In cases where a shipment contains wrong or damaged items, caused by the original seller, resp. products which are not compliant with the order (e.g. wrong size, colour, or general specifications), it is, of course, no problem to have these products returned, normally at no charge.
myGermany purchases as a company from the retailer for you. According to German law, companies have no legal right to return. As a customer, you do not automatically have a right to return. But many retailers let us return anyway so that we can enable our customers to return them. We have to decide the return option on a case-by-case basis for each retailer. In cases, where retailers allow us to return, you can have the goods returned to the vendor up to 14 days after receipt by myGermany once they have been received in our warehouse. This option can also be found on your account in myOrders in the Inbox. For this service we charge a processing fee of € 10,00. The Concierge fee is not refundable. To meet the deadline, it is necessary that you inform myGermany in time so that we can resend your goods on time to the original vendor.
Please mind, that some Concierge orders may be treated differently: If a Concierge is discounted or a special offer, it may not be returnable.